Reference options:
Pacific Indo-Australian
El Niño La Niña
atmosphereic oceanic
warmer colder
stronger weaker
El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is an irregular periodic variation in winds and sea surface temperatures, affecting the climate of much of the tropics and subtropics. It refers to the ( 1 ) changes in the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean in the tropical ( 2 ) Ocean, and the temperature cycles of the sea surface temperature can be observed. The warming phase of the sea temperature known as ( 3 ) and the cooling phase as ( 4 ) will cause global temperature and precipitation changes; and the Southern Oscillation is the accompanying atmospheric component, coupled with the sea temperature change. The sea surface temperatures in the western Pacific are generally ( 5 ) than those in the eastern Pacific. This area is a source for convection and is associated with cloudiness and rainfall. During El Niño years, the cold water weakens or disappears completely as the water in the Central and Eastern Pacific becomes as warm as the Western Pacific. Therefore, there will be droughts in ( 6 ) area. The two different phases, El Niño and La Niña, relate to the Walker Circulation, resulted from differences in heat distribution between ocean and land. It is an ( 7 ) circulation on the equator of the Pacific Ocean, causing an upwelling of cold deep sea water and thus cooling the sea surface. El Niño results when this circulation is ( 8 ) or even reverses, as the impaired or inhibited circulation causes the ocean surface to be ( 9 ) than average temperatures. A markedly ( 10 ) Walker circulation causes a La Niña by intensifying the upwelling of cold deep sea water; which cools the sea surface to below average temperatures.
1. 填充題:生成最多熱帶氣旋的海域是?格式如南半球東印度洋。(4分)
2. 填充題:承上題,生成次多熱帶氣旋的海域是?(4分)
3. 是非題:2020年有3個颱風經過北韓。(3分)
4. 是非題:俄羅斯可能會有颱風經過。(3分)
5. 是非題:地中海域生成熱帶氣旋十分罕見,但在2020年因氣候異常,因此有地中海颶風(Medicane)生成並造成嚴重災害。(3分)
6. 是非題:七月時颱風會沿著太平洋低氣壓的外圍行進。(3分)
1. 請舉出三種非二氧化碳的溫室氣體。(6分)
2. 請說明為何全球暖化議題主要關注於二氧化碳,而非討論其他含量高於二氧化碳的溫室氣體。(4分)
3. 如圖所示,近年來平均二氧化碳濃度上升速率為何?請寫下推算過程和單位。(4分)
4. 如圖所示,二氧化碳濃度有震盪現象,請問其震盪的周期和原因。(6分)
While the global average number of tropical cyclones each year has not budged from 86 over the last four decades, climate change has been influencing the locations of where these deadly storms occur, according to new NOAA-led research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. New research indicates that the number of tropical cyclones has been rising since 1980 in the North Atlantic and Central Pacific, while storms have been declining in the western Pacific and in the South Indian Ocean.
“We show for the first time that this observed geographic pattern cannot be explained only by natural variability,” said Hiroyuki Murakami, a climate researcher at NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and lead author. Murakami used climate models to determine that greenhouse gases, manmade aerosols including particulate pollution, and volcanic eruptions were influencing where tropical cyclones were hitting.
1. 請用中文為文章作摘要,無須寫出詳細數據。(5分)
2. Plot a schematic diagram of the horizontal wind structure of the typhoon in the North Hemisphere and mark the wind speed along a section line.(5分)
3. Plot a schematic diagram of the number of tropical cyclones worldwide every year from 1980 to 2018 and indicate the axis.(5分)
4. According to the data from Central Weather Bureau, the average number of typhoons a year from 1980 to 2018 is 3.5. Plot a schematic diagram of the number of typhoons every year from 1980 to 2018 in Taiwan and indicate the axis, and then estimate the year which comes to zero.(5分)